Introduction to Computer.
What is computer
In daily life, the use of computers is increasing day by day, in today's time every small and big work is done through the internet and computer.
Use of computer for official work such as; It is done in government offices, business, banking sector, hospitals, marketing or education field.
Not only this, in present times, computers are also used for personal work, such as; Computers used computers to play games, solve math problems, send e-mails, watch videos, or stay connected with a friend
So let us understand what is the definition of a computer i.e. what is a computer
A computer is a high-speed electronic and programmable device or machine, which can manipulate information or data. It processes the data in binary (0 and 1) form. Such as having the ability to store, retrieve, and process.
That is, the computer is also called a binary device, which completes the unrepresented data and all your useful information is controlled during some process or program
Modern computers are electronic devices that accept input data given by the user, a process that data, then produce output, and also store the results
To understand computers better, there are 7 things you need to understand such as:
- hardware.
- What are computer memory and RAM?
- Data and information.
- software or program.
- The central processing unit (CPU).
- Input और output device.
- Computer Networks.
Having understood what a computer is (What is Computer in Hindi), then let's know what is the full form of a computer.
What is the full name of the computer?
Computer- “Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used in Technical and Educational Research”
“Computer,” Short Form और Long Form
Short Long Form
COMPUTER Completely Obedient Machine Provided User Types Everything Right
COMPUTER Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used in Technical and Educational Research
C = Commonly
O = Oriented
M = Machine
P = Particularly
U = Used for
T = Technical and
E = Educational
R = Resource / Research
That is, the computer was made to be used in technical and educational research. What is a computer in easy language, to understand, understand the definition of a computer in Hindi:
What is the definition of a computer?
As I mentioned earlier, a computer is a device, which is made up of software and hardware components. That is, a computer is an electronic and digital machine or device.
Its work is any logic and mathematical calculations, operations such as; Input, output, process, storing and controlling, etc., based on instructions that result from carrying out the processes given by a software or hardware program.
In today's day, the computer is a very useful device. We cannot imagine the world without computers. Everywhere work is done by computer. So let's do what a computer does? understand in detail.
What does the computer do?
In the modern world, computers are used to perform many tasks. A computer performs different functions to complete each particular task, but mainly computer performs 4 functions such as;
- Performs calculations.
- Collects and retrieves data.
- does processing.
- executes instructions.
What is a computer and what does it do? For a better understanding, go to " What does a computer do " here. Let us now understand in brief how the computer works;
How does the Computer Works?
A computer receives data through an input unit based on the instructions given by the user and after processing the data by storing it in memory, it sends the information back to it through an output device.
In today's time, every person keeps a computer and laptop at home for essential work. You must know that behind every single thing some secret remains hidden, in the same way, there is a history of some computers after the invention of the computer.
So let's understand briefly what is the history of computers:
History of Computer
In 1822, Charles Babbage first created the general Difference Engine, then in 1837, the mechanical computer, the Analytical Engine. Similarly – “ Z1 ” is the first programmable computer made by Konrad Zuse. There are hundreds of people who have contributed immensely to the field of computing.
Friends, after Z1, gradually colossus, Atanasoff-Berry Computer, ENIAC, Small-Scale Experimental Machine, Whirlwind machine, TX-0, Programma 101, etc. were made.
Generations of Computer
It is said that there are 5 main generations of computer, they have been developed along with time and generations. So let's know the generations of computers in brief;
First Generation – Vacuum Tubes (1940 – 1956):
The first generation of computers began in the 1940s and lasted until 1956. In this generation, vacuum tubes were used as the basic components for memory and circuitry for the CPU (Central Processing Unit).
Second Generation – Transistors (1956 – 1963):
From 1956 to 1963, in the second generation, transistors were used, replacing vacuum tubes. Because it was cheaper, more compact in size, consumed less power, and was faster than the first generation.
Third Generation – Integrated Circuits (1964 – 1971):
In this generation, Integrated Circuits were used. This led to an increase in the speed and capacity of the machines. These were the first computers where users interacted using keyboards and monitors that interfered with an operating system.
Fourth Generation – Microprocessors (1972 – 2010):
In this generation of computers, it was completely revolutionized by Intel. Because the chip manufacturer developed the Intel 4004 chip in 1971, all computer components (CPU, memory, input/output control) were deployed on a single chip.
Fifth Generation – Artificial Intelligence 2010 – Now
Although Artificial Intelligence is still in development, it was introduced in 2010 by voice recognition.
Types of Computer
Although there are many types of computers, there are mainly 7 types of computers such as;
- Supercomputer.
- Microcontroller.
- Workstation Computer.
- Personal Computer (PC).
- Server Computer.
- Mainframe.
- Smartphone.
Use of Computer – 11 Uses of Computer
- To keep important data safe.
- The computer is used in the education system.
- To communicate with friends.
- To do office work.
- Computers are used for training or e-learning.
- Used in medical science.
- For marketing purposes.
- Computers are used in the banking sector.
- to access the Internet.
- Computers are used in government sectors.
- Entertainment purposes