How to increase the speed of laptop

How to make a slow computer fast 

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So with the top 5 tips mentioned in this tutorial, you can easily speed up your laptop or computer.

When we get a new computer/laptop; Then it runs fine, that is, the performance gives good. Then after a few days of use, due to excessive processing, or due to the effect of a virus, our PC becomes very slow.

Overuse of a computer or viruses does not make the computer slow. There are many reasons why our computer slows down.

So let's first know why the computer slows down?

Why is the Laptop/Computer slow?

If you know the reason for the computer slowing down, you can easily repair the computer. Friends, there are many reasons behind laptop/computer being slow such as; Too many programs are running on your computer simultaneously and the processor (CPU) of your computer does not know how to handle all the processes simultaneously.

Similarly, if your PC has RAM handy, Free Antivirus is instlled, Disk and Temporary Files do not clean up.

And use the Internet in the system or use many programs together. So the performance of your laptop or computer gradually slows down.

After starting the computer system, by default, some programs keep running in the backgroundAnd as soon as you run two or three software simultaneously, your system slows down.

  • The reason for the laptop/computer being slow is understood, so now how to increase the speed of the computer/laptop? That is, Slow knows how to speed up the computer.

How to make a slow laptop/computer fast?

Friends, to increase the speed of a slow laptop/computer, first read the tips given below, then apply them to your PC :

#Tips 1. Paid Antivirus Software

If you have instlled free antivirus, then uninstll now and instll a good Paid Antivirus Software on your laptop/computer.

If you transfer files by inserting internet or external memory card in computer, pen drive system. So scan the memory or Pendrive before paid the antivirus.

With this, the virus will not enter your system, and the Security Firewall of your computer will be protected.

Antivirus software keeps the internet safe from viruses or malware software and hackers. Well, I have used Quick Heal & Avast 

Both of these are my favorite software, you can buy one of these and instll it into your system.

#Tips 2. Set Best Performance:

If “ Best Performance ” is not set on your computer, then enable Adjust For Best Performance,

Because this will give your PC the Best Performance. For this follow the below steps:

Step 1: First of all click on the START button and by clicking RIGHT on the computer, tab on the Properties option.

Step 2: After coming to Properties, the System Information page will open in your screen.

Here click on “ Advance System Setting ” on the left side.

Then click on the “ Advanced ” tab on the setting of the performance . If you don't understand then see the below screenshot.

Step 3: Performance Now the Dialog Box of Performance Option has opened in front of you, then by clicking on “ Visual Effects ” select the “ Adjust For Best Performance ” option.

And click on “Apply” below and “OK”.

#Tips 3. Cleanup C Drive:

Cleaning the C Drive is very important to speed up the computer speed because due to software or Internet processing in the computer, the cache data gets saved in the C Drive.

And due to the accumulation of its Temporary File a lot, the C Drive gets filled and slows down the system.

Therefore Disk Cleanup has to be done so that useless files do not remain in C Drive.

Follow the steps below to perform Disk Cleanup:

Step 1: First of all go to Computer, then right-click on C-Drive and OK on Properties.

Step 2: Here you have to select General in the Dialog Box of Local Disk (C) Properties and click on “ Disk Cleanup ”.

Step 3: System Error Memory Dump Files Scanning will start as soon as you do the cleanup, wait for some time after the scan is completed,

Here you do OKclick on Delete Files.

#Tips 4. Temporary Files Delete

Temporary files are saved in the system memory by using more Internet .

It is necessary to delete it, otherwise, it will slow down your system.

See below for steps to delete Temporary Files:

  1. First of all press the " Windows + R " button simultaneously from the keyboard.
  2. If RUN's Dialog Box has been opened on the screen then enter by typing " %Temp% "
  3. Now delete all the temporary files stored on your PC by doing Select All  (CTRL + A) from here.
  • Note: To delete the temporary temporary file of recent, do delete by typing Recent & Temp.

#Tips 5. Unwanted Software Uninstll 

If you have any useless software instlled on your laptop/computer, then uninstll it now. By instlling Jhad software, your C Drive and RAM space are filled up.

Due to this your computer becomes very slow.

Below are the steps to uninstll Unwanted Software:

Step 1: First of all click on Start button and click on Control Panel,

Then tab on Unintall a Program.

Step 2: Here winning software is instlled in your computer system, it will show all that.

If you do not use any of this software. So Uninstll Card by Right Clicking.

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