What is Internet and how does it work?

What is the Internet and how does it work?

What happens to your internet only? You have to read this article thoroughly. As this article ends, you will get all the information related to the "Internet". Let's know, What is the Internet

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What is the Internet and how does it work?

Internet means a means of connecting one computer to another computer from anywhere in the world, through dedicated servers and routers.

And when two computers are connected to the Internet, they can receive or send all kinds of information. Like text, image, voice, video, etc. we can get by using the internet.

Come on, what is the Internet? What is the history of the Internet, and what is the owner angle? Why use the Internet? and how does it work? Let everyone understand this a little bit technical.

What is Internet

According to Wikipedia, the Internet is the Internet protocol suite for connecting devices around the world. , the Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the is a network of networks, which includes a global network of local, public, educational, business, and local networks.

Which is linked to a wide range of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies. The Internet has a wide range of information resources and services. such as inter-linked hypertext documents, the World Wide Web (WWW)electronic mailtelephony, and file sharing.

Data and information on the Internet are known to come through Routers and Servers. The router and Server connect all the computers in the world. When the message goes from one computer to another, then IP (Internet Protocol) works.

This is a protocol. Whose Protocol means "the rules for running the Internet, which is written in programming".

The Internet is actually a very large number of computer networks all over the world linked together. To make Internet communication possible, there is also a lot of hardware.

For example, there are a lot of cables (fiber-optics, copper wire) laying around the planet, from under the streets of your city to the ocean floor, and satellites have a lot of physical hardware to the satellite, which makes this communication possible.

Basics of Internet

Some basics of the Internet have been told here. This will make it easier for you to understand what is the Internet in reality.

  • Internet and WWW are not the same things.
  • The Internet uses the TCP/IP protocol. and a computer modem, broadband, 3G, 4G, or
  • Connected through the ISP using the network.
  • In the case of broadband, many computers and devices use Wi-Fi to connect to a router connected to an ISP.
  • The Internet is explored, known as surfing, using a browser.
  • Finding information on the Internet is achieved using a search engine.
  • Users browse websites and web pages by following hyperlinks. which point to an address referred to as a URL.
  • There are many computers in this, but to know their address, IP address is used, which remains the same for every computer.
  • Files, pictures, songs, and videos can be shared by dwnlad (receive) and upload (send).
  • The Internet is also used to communicate with others through social networks, online games, forums, chat, e-mails, IM, and VoIP.

How does the internet work – How does the internet work?

The Internet is a global computer network for communication. Internet-only moves data from one place to another, so that we can browse, and share.

You know, there are millions of servers on the Internet. Servers store information. As such, there are file servers, mail servers, and web servers. The Internet is also made up of routers. Routers simply make connections between different systems.

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for example, in your school, or college, there are many computer networks, and if your mobile is connected to the router, it means connected to the Internet.

If you want to understand deeply how the internet works? So first you have to understand ISP, IP Address, DNS, TCP / IP, WWW, HTTP, HTML, Web Page, and Web Browser. So let's know about all these.

IP Address – Internet protocol address

It is a unique identifier number. That is, each machine using the Internet has a different IP address. Because of this identifier, a computer or mobile is identified on the Internet. It has 2 versions – IP version 4 ( IPv4 ) and IP version 6 ( IPv6 ).

DNS – Domain Name Servers

Domain Name Servers are the equivalent of the Internet's phone book. Domain Name like learnncerthindi.blogspot.com or google.com, through which you get information online. And web browsers interact through Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.

DNS translates domain names to IP addresses so that browsers can load Internet resources. Domain names are user-friendly, and easy for people to remember. Computers or machines access the website based on the IP address.

TCP/IP – Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

TCP/IP is very important because the entire Internet runs on it. Because TCP/IP is a suite of communication protocols used to interconnect network devices over the Internet.
It can also be used as a communication protocol in private networks (intranet or extranet). The TCP/IP model is based on the OSI model.

HTTP – HyperText Transfer Protocol

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is used for any application data communication. And this database is used for communication in WWW (world wide web). And use HTTP to access the files or pages of any website.

Meaning the data that you send through your browser while accessing a website, then HyperText Transfer Protocol comes to you from the server of that website i.e. the data client.

What is WWW (World Wide Web)?

Its full name is World Wide Web. And most people also think of it as the Internet. But, it is just all web pages, pictures, videos, and other online content. Which we access through a web browser.

Meaning WWW is HTML formatted and accessed via HTTP.

HTML – HyperText Markup Language

Web page development is created using HTML. Which are displayed on the world wide web. All pages contain a set of HTML tags, including hyperlinks, that are used to link to other pages. HTML is written using a version of the code.

Such as HTML in 1991, HTML 2.0 in 1995, HTML 3.2 in 1997, HTML 4.01 in 1999, XHTML in 2000, HTML5 in 2014, and HTML 5.1 in 2016 which is the latest version of 2019.

Web Page

It is a hypertext document, which is connected to the World Wide Web. A browser like Internet Explorer or Chrome is required to view the web page.

Web Browser

Browser is a software application, with the help of which we can access the information of the World Wide Web. The article you are reading right now is possible only through some web browser.

ISP – Internet Service Provider

It is a company like BSNL, Reliance Communications, etc. which provides internet to us. ISPs use fiber-optics, satellite, copper wire, and other forms to provide internet facilities to their customers i.e. us.

History Of Internet

In Internet History, 1969, it has taken its first step in the world. And till date, it is progressing due to the change in technology. Let us know Internet History in a little more detail.

Research into packet switching is one of the fundamental Internet techniques, beginning with the work of Paul Baran in the 1960s. And packet-switched networks like the NPL network by Donald Davies, ARPANET, Tymnet, and Merit network.

Telenet, and CYCLADES, were developed in the late 1960s and 1970s using different protocols.

The ARPANET project led to the development of protocols for Internetworking. Which many different networks could be included in the network.

ARPANET development started with two network nodes. which were linked between the Network Measurement Center in California, Los Angeles (UCLA) directed by Leonard Kleinrock, at the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science, and the Network Measurement Center at SRI International (SRI) via the NLS system.

Douglas Engelbart in Menlo Park, California on October 29, 1969. The third site was the Culler-Fried Interactive Mathematics Center at the University of California, Santa Barbara, followed by the University of Utah Graphics Department.

In an early sign of future development, fifteen sites were connected to the young ARPANET by the end of 1971. These early years were documented in the 1972 film Computer Networks: The Heralds of Resource Sharing.

Why use the Internet?

Today, the Internet is the best place to visit and share information with people around the world. and provides a person with a steady supply of knowledge and entertainment. What can be done on the Internet? For more information about this read the advantages and disadvantages given below.

Advantages of the Internet in Hindi

The Internet is one of the biggest creations. And gives everyone in the world with Internet access instant access to an endless supply of knowledge and entertainment. Below is a complete list of the benefits of the Internet.

1. Banking, Bills, and Shopping

The Internet gives you access to your bank account to view your balance, make transactions and send money. Plus, many services enable you to view and pay your bills electronically.

Online shopping is another great advantage of the Internet. This gives anyone with the internet the ability to find those products. that interest them. And buy them without going to the store. The Internet gives everyone easy access to compare prices between companies.

And it also sees that it gives better purchasing decisions to others through online reviews to help them make better buying decisions.

For example Flipkart, Amazone, etc

2. Information, Knowledge, and Learning

As mentioned earlier, the Internet has an ever-increasing supply of knowledge and information. Which allows you to learn about almost any topic or question. Using a search engine like Google, you can ask virtually any question. And can find a web page with the answer to that question.

3. Address, Mapping, and Contact Information

With the help of GPS technology, the Internet can help with maps. And can direct you almost everywhere in the world. You can go to your place quickly. Or find such businesses in your area. who can provide you the selling service? or you can provide.

Today's search engines are smart enough to know your location. and help you find the most relevant to your field.

For example, if you need an Asix Bank ATM. And search for “Asix Bank ATM”, you will be given the location of the local Asix Bank ATM in the area.

4. Connectivity, Communication, and Sharing

Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) In the past, it would take days and sometimes months to receive a letter from someone else. Today, with the Internet, you can send an e-mail to anyone in the world. And can often deliver it in less than a minute.

Other forms of conversation, such as chat and VOIP, also allow you to have instant communication with anyone in the world. Online forums are also places where people who share common interests can connect with each other. And do whatever they enjoy or ask other experts in the field questions.

5. Internet of Things

Helps make the devices in your home connected and smart by providing access to the Internet.

For example, the Nest thermostat can be connected to the Internet to help control the heating and cooling in your home. Plus, once these devices are connected, they can be controlled remotely using your computer or smartphone.

By connecting IoT (Internet of Things) devices to your home, it can become smarter and more efficient. and helps to save energy, money, and time.

6. Selling and Making Money

If you are a business or want to sell anything. So the internet is a perfect place to sell most of the stuff. Because anyone in the world accessing the Internet can find your website.

So you have access to far more people with a local retail store. The Internet is always on. and is always available. Which means you have the ability to sell stuff 24/7.

The Internet gives all businesses the ability to advertise their product or service to everyone in the world. Or specifies an exact demographic they want to reach.

7. Cloud computing and cloud storage

Cloud computing The Internet connects your computers and Internet-enabled devices to cloud services such as cloud computing and cloud storage. With cloud computing, while you or your business works on other tasks. So a device can have access to more powerful computers and even supercomputers to perform complex tasks.

Cloud storage allows all of your Internet-connected devices to access an endless supply of storage. And makes backup safe and secure by making a backup to other locations automatically.

So, if you are using a cloud storage backup service. And your home or office has been burned down. So you will not lose all your valuable data.

8. Entertainment

The Internet gives everyone access to an endless supply of entertainment. One can watch videos, watch movies, listen to music and even play online games.

Disadvantages  of Internet in Hindi

Although the Internet is one of the greatest creations of man, it also has many disadvantages. Below is a complete list of disadvantages of the Internet. Please read these things carefully, and tell others.

1. Pornography and Violent Images

Exploitation and pornography and violent images are easily found on the Internet.

The Internet is full of sites that contain easily accessed adult content. Which can be easily accessed by minors or can be accidentally seen by those people. who do not want to see that type of content?

2. Addiction, Time Waster

The Internet and games played on the Internet can become very addictive. and are often designed to be addictive. How addictive the game can be. And how much entertainment is there on the Internet? It's easy to spend a lot of time on the Internet without doing anything productive.

It is also very easy to create something productive and then get distracted by something else. Which consumes all your time. Avoid misuse of the internet. Do not make the Internet a means of addiction, or wasting time.

3. Spam and advertising

It's great that the Internet can be an easier way to reach a much wider audience than traditional advertising methods (for example, newspapers, TV, and radio). Because it's so easy and cheap.

This could mean that you will see more ads and get more spam in your e-mail inbox than you would in real life. Avoid Spam as much as possible.

4. Identity theft, Hacking, Viruses, and Cheating

With access to billions of people and computers, this makes it easy for computer hackers and malicious users to hack into their accounts and steal personal information that can be used for identity theft.

The Internet connects all computers to each other. Which makes it easy for hackers to scan millions of computers and quickly identify which computers are vulnerable to attack.

The Internet makes it very easy for students to cheat on their studies or find others on the Internet to write reports or do their homework for others.

5. Buying things not needed

The Internet makes it so easy to buy things. That can be easy to buy things on the internet. If without putting much thought into what you want to buy.

Furthermore, for some people buying items on the Internet can be so addictive. that it could lead to serious debt. Because of this, buy only what you need.

6. Depression, Loneliness, and Social Isolation

Social networking websites can also cause depression in many people. When all you see is the best of all your friend's life. Then you might be surprised. That's why your life isn't that good.

The Internet makes it easier to communicate with others. And although you may find new connections around the world. It can be easy to disconnect from people in your real life while on the Internet or playing games.

Who is the owner of the Internet?

No one person is the owner of the Internet. Before meeting many companies, scientists, programmers, and engineers have connected worldwide connections through cables, and satellites all over the world. Meaning it is not the work of any single person.

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