What is WWW (World Wide Web)


What is WWW (World Wide Web)

What is World Wide Web

The World Wide Web is known as WWW shortening it. This means that the full name of WWW is World Wide WebWWW is the combination of all the resources and users on the Internet. Which are using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

World Wide Web: (WWW or web for short) is an information place. Where documents and other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators ( URLs ). Hypertext links are linked. and is accessible through the Internet.

"The World Wide Web is the universe of network-accessible information, the embodiment of human knowledge."

Web:  As it is commonly known, often confused with the Internet. Although the two are intricately linked, they are different things.

Internet:  As its name implies, a network – a vast, global network consisting of fewer networks. Thus, the Internet consists of the infrastructure and support of other technologies.

In contrast, the web is a communication model, which enables the exchange of information over the Internet via HTTP.

If you have understood what www is, then let us know who has made www;

Who created the first World Wide Web (WWW)?

In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee began work on the first World Wide Web Server at CERN. They called the server "httpd" and previously dubbed the client "WWW". Originally, WWW was just a WYSIWYG hypertext browser/editor that ran in the NeXTStep environment. 

The World Wide Web has been widely available since 1991.

Which software allows access to WWW?

The World Wide Web The web consists of billions of pages connected to each other. Which contain text, graphics, multimedia files, and other interactive softwarewhich are accessed using a browser.

What is the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web?

Many of our users want to know the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web. To answer this question, we need to solve what it really is. So let's know the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web.

Internet: There is a global connection of various networks. It allows communication between any two computers on the planet. Everything that we do in our day-to-day, such as e-mail, web surfing, and video chat is facilitated by the Internet, but only the part where data is exchanged.

World Wide Web: The World Wide Web is a visual medium. on which the information is used. It is built on top of the Internet. The World Wide Web uses a web browser to display information retrieved from the Internet.

Comparison Chart:

ComprisesFiles, folders, and documents are stored on different computers.The Internet runs through a network of computers, copper wires, fiber optic cables, and wireless networks.
Name of the first versionThe earlier name of WWW was NSFnet.The Internet was previously named ARPANET.
Estimated year of OriginThe World Wide Web is estimated to have originated in 1993.took place in 1969, although opening up the network for commercial interests only began in 1988.
DependencyWWW relies on the Internet to function.The Internet is a base independent of the World Wide Web.
Governed byWWW HyperText Transfer ProtocolInternet Protocol
NatureThe World Wide Web is made up of software.Internet is made of hardware.

How does WWW (World Wide Web) work?

When you view a web page in a web browser on your computer or mobile. So how does the web work? How does one provide a simple view of this?

When you type a web address in your browser. For example, to go to Solution In Hindi ( www.learnncerthindi.blogspot.com ) we search in the browser. (Like walking to a store for our analogy):


#1. The browser goes to the DNS server. and gets the actual address of the server on which the website resides (like we get the address of a shop).

#2. The browser sends an HTTP request message to the server. Asks it to send a copy of the website to the website. (when you go to the shop and order your items).

This message, and all other data sent between the client and the server, are sent across your Internet connection using TCP/IP.

#3. Provided that the server approves the client's request. The server sends a "200 OK" message to the client. This means "Sure you can check out that website!

And then starts sending the website's files as a series to the browser. Small parts are called data packets. (Like the shop gives you the goods, and you bring them back to your home).

#4. The browser assembles the small parts into a complete website. and displays it to you. (As ordered items arrive at your door - shiny new stuff!).

That's how the WWW web worksNow you must have understood what www is and what it does.

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